Are you ready for some umm umm goodness, the more I watched Food network, the hungrier I'd get LOL so one day I said I'm gonna make something one of these days, well the day came & ohhh my goodness it was better than going to Cracker Barrel, today I'm sharing Country Fried steak
be sure to go by & visit Lisa & Lana over at http://blessedwithgrace.blogspot.com/ for more great recipes shared on tempt My tummy Tuesdays
I slow cooked turnip greens, added Hormel bacon pieces toward the end, I usually add whole bacon but I wanted it pretty , hubby knows now not to eat till the picture is taken, he will often ask did you get a picture LOL
chopped steak
1 &1/2 c. milk(I used 1 cause I only made 2)
1& 1/ c.flour
4 eggs
oil of your choice
beat eggs intoone bowl
pour flour into another bowl
salt/pepper cube steaks
dip into flour, then into eggs then back into flour into hot skillet
cook till golden brown on both sides
drain on paper towels
drain off grease in skillet saving about 2 tabsp.
add 2 tabsp. flour & stir to make a paste
gradually add milk whisking to make gravey
add salt/pepper as needed
for more great recipes from The Neelys or others on Food Network, visit
Oh YUM! I am definitely going to make this! Thanks for sharing!
Nanna, thank you for stopping by Grace Like Rain. I know what you mean about grapes in chicken salad but it is DELISH!!!
Next week I'm going to share a salad recipe that has carrots, snap peas and strawberries. Mmmm I hope you'll stop by.
Your country fried streak looks yummy!!!
Oh my goodness... looks wonderful!!
I will have to make this for my dad when he comes to visit!
This sounds like it is right up my husband's alley. I love that yours knows not to eat until you're done. And they look good enough to be restaurant quality - Cracker Barrel? :)
Thanks Michelle, I watch food network way to much LOL I drained the juic off the plate then sopped up any remaing juice from the greens with a paper towel, I don't like soggy meat! LOL
Hi Helen,
Thanks for the kind comments on my salad..all the igredients were listed..very easy!
Your steak looks good! I haven't had cubed steak in a while..in fact I can't remember seeing it i the grocery anymore! I will have to look!
Have a great weekend..I have some cute cakes on my post today!
FOOD network makes me very hungry! :)
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