Friday, June 26, 2009


We hope that you are having a fantastic weekend ,we;ve been having a full packed weekend for sure! LOL as soon as this gets posted I'm on the road again to decorate for a wedding LOL, I recently redid my bedroom & pulled a lot of my antiques & sentimental items in & gave it more of a prim atmosphere,so I though I'd give you just a peek for now LOL

Be sure to visit for more great show-n-tell

the top of my chest a drawer holds a lot of memories, hubby still can't understand why I'd put ac hair up there LOL
the green vase is from my hubby's grandmother, I'm not sure how old it is but she'd had it for many many years
the bird house we found in Tenn. wished I'd got his card LOL but we were told he brings them into the shop where we found it every summer
the chair is one of 6, there were 3 green & 3 soft pinks, I was just driving along & passed a yard sale along side of the road , bout did a U turn getting back to those chairs LOL they lady told me they came out of a Sunday school room in her church & that as fa rs as she knew had been there as far as she can remember
the little books you see under the chair are a complete set of world books that belonged to my hubby's grandmother, we had went back to the old home place to take pictures & there they were in a pile to be tossed , I brought them home & cleaned them up along with 2 quilts that were in the trash pile
the little quilt was purchased form a wholesale catalog
the huge coffee pot we found at an antique shop, being a steal at less than $20 we couldn't pass it up!
the big picture is a birthday gift from sister, you may know her as Picket lol she found this for me for my 30th b'day ohh that was sooooo many years ago at least 20 or more LOL
I hope you've enjoyed show-n-tell this week, perhaps I'll let you peek a little more next time LOL


Picket said...

Oh sis this is so pretty...I have my green vase that you and Terry gave me from his grandmother..I love how you did this and how come I don't have one of those little green chairs...I am your only sister and you have six!!!! I remember that old picture of the rocking horse...lordy that was years ago...our babies were still little...ohhhh the it sis & love you too! ~♥~

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love this vignette, Helen, and I am wild over that little chair. I see why you did a U turn. Love it all.


Sheila :-)