With summer upon us the last place we want to be is in the kitchen so we tend to cook more outside, ice cream seems to always be a must as we look for things that are refreshing as well as satisfying, hot steamy comfort foods are pushed to the back of the recipe box, those holiday dishes aren't even given a second thought as they are replace with wild & vibrate colored dishes, while you're caught up in all of your Summer glory a hush falls over the kitchen, it is a soft cry of a tiny teacup, as I open the cabinet there she sits all misty eyed, in between the snubs she begins to ask why can't I stay out all year round, I'm good for just tea ya know! & she begins to tell me of all the
things she can do besides tea & as I ponder how she does bring me comfort with a good book all snuggled up in a comfy blankie on a cold winters day , I began to re-think the situation as I was sipping my coffee, would you like to have a snack with me, yes! yes! said my little teacup , don't cry my little teacup for you bring me comfort all year round
1c. peanut butter
flour(just enough to be able to form a ball)
2 eggs (beaten)
criss cross using the back of a fork, bake on 350 for about 10min
Be sure to visti http://blessedwithgrace.blogspot.com/ for more great TMT recipes!
Your recipe seems to be missing the peanut butter measurement???
LOL thanks Audrey! fixing it now!
Hi...saw you at holiday in the sun.
I love tea cups...I am a huge tea drinker; love that tea cup! Peanut butter cookies are yummy.
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