Monday, August 3, 2009


Welcome to Blue Monday,be sure to go by & see Sally our wonderful host of this event @ where you'll meet lots of beautiful people showing off their blues I am also doing mellow yellow Monday today just scroll down to comment on that one, if you're feeling blue today you wont be after visiting Sally & getting in on all the blue fun!

This is an oil painting that I found at our local craft fair, when I looked at the price I couldn't believe it could be what I thought I was seeing, so I put my glasses on lol humm still in disbelief I thought ok maybe the price is faded not even gonna ask & get disappointed so I walked away, I later caught up with hubby who had spied something that called him lol & proceed to tell him about this painting, how much he says, welllllll it looks like $10 but it's faded & could be $100, well lets go see he says ,I say naaaa never mind, well after walking around a bit we go back , I couldn't bare to "try" to see that price again LOL so he looks & starts laughing & says do you want it well as you can see by me having it that it was just $10 LOL LOL


SmilingSally said...

What a bargain that is! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I fianlly decided to create a blog. I may need some help. hUMMMMM, not sure what I"m doing!

Anonymous said...

OHhh, this is me, heather. ha ha ha ha

Vicki said...

Hi, Nanna,
I love Raggedy Ann and Andy. It was a book my mother read to me when I was a little girl. And for only ten dollars, great!! I was reading your profile. I love "It's a Wonderful Life", too. Could watch it every day. I need to go back and put that one on my profile. Thanks for visiting me at "Bunny Cottage". Come back and visit with me again. Vicki

jeanne said...

Helen, you found a treasure for just $10.00. I love it! Good for your hubby who persisted. Now you need to post where it will hang in your home.
