Thursday, October 20, 2011


pear08       Well bless her sweet pea pickin heart, Sue hit us up with pears again, thank goodness not as many as the first time lol & proceeds to  tell us us there's another tree about to be ready & is loaded , what to do with her lol, I know this much, there’ll be no trying out new recipes,lol peeled, & into syrup mixture they will go pear04I was pleased how these turned out for my 1st time canning any, in the next 48 hours I will be dealing with these pears, making Oreo balls for my grand daughters birthday party & finishing up a 36” pink headed Annie for a friend of mine  , Fri it’s off to my daughters to help set up the gym for the party 20 +  13 year olds whew! we had planed to go to Tenn. sat night to go back to the Miracle Theater,some of the  ladies from the church were there  a few weeks back while attending a ladies conference ,it is awesome!    hubby was suppose to go out of town the 29th but now they say 23rd, mercy soooo party Fri night,  which is tomorrow! whew! leave for Tenn, , home late Sat night, send him out the door Sun  morning, go to church, come home & take a nap! LOL

1 comment:

Elaine said...

The canned pears will taste good this winter.. I have some fresh ones here for eating.