Monday, August 11, 2008


Welcome to Sunday Selections
Have you ever wondered where our older hymns came from, what inspired the writer to write them, being choir director, I love learning the history of the old hymns as well as the stories behind them, it's good to blend the what I like to call the classics in with our praise & worship music, for there are deep meanings within them that are messages within themselves for they were written from the heart, during trials, heart aches & tribulations
So I thought I'd share what I love, my choir, my music & a little bit of history of those wonderful old hymns that are so quickly becoming forgotten

be sure to visit us on Sunday mornings for Sunday Selctions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Helen, I love those old Hymns too. All to often the old hymns are not sung anymore. I just enjoy belting out a familiar hymn, it is so uplifting. Nice post. Of course I am two days past your post and I am trying to catch up with everyone. Have a wonderful day today.

Hugs, Jeanne