Wednesday, September 14, 2011


office  Organizing, culling out,rearranging, tweaking, makes for room for more books LOL there’s more books  just have to find where &how to place them, I want my office to be a room that makes me want to be here, one where I know where stuff is, one that makes researching a joy not a chore,I am also a firm believer in having things around you that bring you joy,the collection of Bibles atop the bookcases are Bibles we’ve had for the last 36 years yep we kept them all lol


the Angel is from a dear friend which reminds me of her & to lift her  name up in prayer

office02 more Bibles stacked beside her belong to my husband, they are from his childhood, from grandparents,one is actually his great grandmothers the tear bottle is a gift from my sister-n-law this past Christmas


there’s more tweaking to be done,remember  when church’s had the wooden boards with Sunday school /attendance/offering/ Bibles etc on them????my pastors wife knows I love antiques & she entrusted me with our church's original one, can’t  wait to show you in tweaking the office part 2!

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