Wednesday, September 24, 2014




yesterday was the first day of feeling the least like fall, it is still pretty warm here but I think Fall is going to break on through lol! here are two of my favorite  bloggers to inspire you to get into the mood for Fall

Coffee Tea Books and Me: Sunday Afternoon Tea - What makes my home a sanctuary

I’m going to jumpstart Fall by having a  sweet potatoes baking party, yea I don't know what else to call it lol! I have tons of sweet potatoes that need tending to, so I’ve invited a few friends over this weekend , we will bake pies, watch Mom’s Night Out, eat, bake more pies & just have a great time, each will go home with at least two pies & an apron , oh that reminds me I got to get to sewing lol!

how are you jump starting your Fall?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I thought I’d bump  this from my Sitting At His feet Blog, I had the opportunity to be able to be a part of the one million pillowcase drive, a few years back  the ladies form my church & I sewed up over 60 Christmas pillowcases for a Children's Hospital in Australia , this time of year every year donations for pillowcases for Children's cancer hospitals are popping up all over blog land as well as you tube , I came across Arrow Sewing Cabinets  a few weeks back who are gathering up pillowcases for a children's hospital in WI , they only ask for two but you can certainly make as many as you wish, as I think about how this is such a worthy & rewarding cause & one that I enjoy doing , I plan on making pillowcases throughout the year, whether I send them all to one destination or one here, three there, etc. I’m not sure but as I prepare for  next year I’ll be ready for when the needs arise , pillowcase are quick & easy to make as well as rewarding, as you sew each pillowcase & began to pray over them & to know you’ve made a difference in a child's life with something as simple a bright cherry pillowcases is very rewarding indeed!

Arrow Sewing Cabinets are one of many business’s collecting pillowcases for Canker  Children's Cancer Hospital, I came across their site a few weeks ago & am so proud to be a part of helping them gather up pillowcases(smiles) for Conkerr

Every Sept. Conkerr’s goal is 44,000 pillowcases, that’s 20 miles of smiles!   you can read more about this challenge here

this is a worthy & rewarding cause & we are proud to have been a part of helping arrow  Sewing Cabinets reach their goal for Conkerr,we pray for peace,healing& restoration for each child that lays their little heads on these pillowcases, we pray peace of mind,courage & strength for the parents& even if the answer is a no that their eyes will still be lifted up to the one whom their peace comes from




there are many business’s , websites & bloggers alike that collect pillowcases for this goal that you can send your pillowcases to or send them directly to Conkerr, there is also a download for how to make a pillowcase

a little inspiration & how to from Missouri Quilts

Thursday, September 18, 2014


actually a week and a half lol! my oldest daughter & grand daughter had an awesome opportunity to go to China on a Mission trip , so it was off to the big house with the little ones & the son-n-law for us & boy did we pack a lot into those  ten days! apple farm, peach ice cream, making cookies, not once but twice!, making aprons,  trying to jump on stilts, entertaining the new kitten 

(Emma)           (Lucy)










I was released for the weekend lol! we got to spend Sat. with my oldest daughter & two of my grandkids at the zoo, ending a perfect day at DQ for burgers & a little arm wrestling with paw paw



(Kaithlyn & Noah)


then it was back to the big house,got all those apples caned after getting the girls & Reece off to school


  • so thee you have it! this is where I’ve been for the last week or so lol! I miss sitting out on the deck every morning with my coffee, high up & looking into the woods was niceeeee, but it’s good to be home!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


 What  do you do when there’s no time to buy a nook o find one in the Library? , good ole Google lol! since reading the Pride & Prejudice  on line I’ve  bought the book to ad to my never ending book collection lol!


I have a few of of her movies, this being one of them that I love watching over & over, I’ve learned a lot  about  Jane Austen coming across this read along other than just loving her movies, there’s a lot of History, In The Garden & Tea With Jane Austen is packed with History & beautiful photos & is on the top of my list to  to add to my collection ,don’t you know lol!


(images from Amazon)

this has been a great read along with


Thursday, September 4, 2014


what’s the biggest fabric store you’ve ever been in? when I started catching episodes of Project Runway, I thought, I need to find a big & I mean big! fabric store like they shop in for their projects , a few months back we were going out of town so I Googled for fabric shops, well , found one that said there was over 7000 bolts of fabric, I was so excited, after we got to where we were going, programed  the GPS, got there & bam! closed up !out of business !pooie! lol! so I’ve been searching  ever since LOL!

now here we are a few months later & I feel the need to Google big big fabric outlets lol!found one in Boaz Ala. awww this is just  two hours  from me, put my thinking cap on hummm, call a few friends, two weeks & five friends later, road trip!

you should be able to click the pictures to enlarge



you know anything red or polka dot is gonna catch my eye! I’m thinking I might look like those big red balls outside of Target's lol! but I had to have it lol!


then there’s the sweetest print, I’m going to make pillowcases for the Children's Cancer Hospital in Milwaukee WI


a few close ups




one amongst us had to be back home at a certain time so we didn’t get to euuuu  &  awww as much as we wanted to but I know how to get back there! can you help me on my quest of big fabric outlets? we venture out to Tenn .from time to even Georgia, I’ll be in Mississippi  next month for a ladies conference, I’m sure there’s  a fabric shop  way bigger than this out there somewhere & I aim to find it lol!